domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015


When summer arrives, everithing changes bacause I don't have to get up early to go to school.
I get up very late. I hardly have breakfast. When I get up I sweat so much that I just want to go to the swimming pool. After that, I usually go to my village to spend a couple of days mith my cousins. We really enjoy ourselves there.
When we get up, we go to have a stroll around the village. Next, we go to the river to have a swim and we try to fish. Then we go back to my grandmother's house to have lunch. Once we've had lunch we watch TV and don't leave to the street till six o'clock because of the heat.

My first day of school

I remeber my first day os school very well. My father was with me. He took my hand, how can i forget that?
i wa wearing a blue T-shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. I was carrying only a small notebook and a pencil.
My teacher was a woman. her name was Rose. She was a young woman and beautiful too. She was a nice person.
That day, the teacher gave me three books: one to read, another one to cut out, and the last one to stick.
I was so happy with my new books and also because I had new friends.


Steve was desperate calling her name but she could not hear him, because she was away from him.
He felt the darkness and distance from his best lover ever. He didn't know what to do, he was no able to breath. He decided to go for a walk even being so afraid os this place. He saw a light and he tried to reach it but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it.
He asked for help screaming but nobody heard him, except for a guy not too far from him who was coming closer, but when he was close enough he turned out to be a monster, It started chasing him and he ran away from it. A few moments after that be found himself falling from an abyss.
He woke up with his heart beating too fast, the clock told him that a new day was starting

My best holidays

My best holidays took place in 2014 when i travelled to Europe for the first time.
I went there with my grandmother to visit my cousins who live in Switzerland. I had the cance to be in French cities such as paris Paris and in Switzerland. I felt sand when i returned to Spain because i knew I was going to miss Switzerland very much.
Switzerland is a wonderful place I would like to live in. Now I am saving money in order to travel to Germany next year.


Hi Sue
How are thing with you? Sorry I haven't written for ages. I've been very busy with yhe house change. But we finish it now. The house is very beautiful. It's bigger than the other. Luckily the house is in the same city so i needn't to change of school.
Enough of me. Do you remember Steve? Well, he'sbroken up with Charlie and is now going up with another man. My sister has just finished her studies, now she will start the university but before she wants to finish her driving test.
What have you been up to? Are you still enjoying life in New York? We must get together soon. Would you like to come for a visit? You're welcome any time.
Anyway, say hi to Dan. And write soon with your news.

Love story

One evening i chatted Sue up at the party, she gave me her telephone number. The next day I called her and I asked her out and we went out together for six months. Finally, we fell in love, but one day we had an argument and she didn't speak with me for weeks, but we finally made up and the following year we got engaged, We prepared our wedding for six months and we got married. But fourteen yeras later we got divorced and now I am with with another woman and she is with another man. And now we are happy. Yesterday I called her to go a drink and remember past moments.


I eat a lot of meat, i probably eat meat every day. I don't eat much fish and vegetables, probably two times every week.
I drink to much fizzy drinks i don't drink much water.
At school, I have two PE lessons every week and we do pshysical activities.
In my free time, I usually play computer games. In the summer I play volleyball but in winter i don't do anything, apart from PE lesson  I don't do much exercise. I often play computer games or study if i have an exam. I go to English lessons too, but only Tuesday and Thursday.