miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Vinaròs, my town, 50 years ago

In the past, there used to be fields and factories, small houses and cottages too. Now there are housing states, car parks, block of flats...
People used to work in the factories or agrarian works, my grandparents used to sell coal. Now the people work in small companies or bussinesses. People used to travel by bike, bus or on foot. Now they travel by cars, motorbikes... In the past my town used to be a fishing town with a lot of fishermen, my other grandad was one. Now only a few of man are fishermen because now it isn't a popular job.

things I used to do when i was six

When i was six, I used to play with my toy cars and my sister, with my sister i used to play football. On Fridays I used to play football with my friends after school. In summer I used to go to Portaventura with my family.


My friend Pepito is average height with short, dark hair and big brown eyes. He usually wears jeans and T-shirts. He wears more smart clothes for a party or some other special occasion. He is really interested in computer games and is particularly keen on the MOBA's, a type of videogames. He enjoys playing computer games with his friends.
Pepito is quite on fashion, because he wears the same things every day. Although he's quiet on dancing, he hates it.


What i like most is playing computer games. My favourite game is League of Legends or LoL, i love to play it. I hate dancing, i don't like much fashion, magazines and cooking, i like a little more drawing, I also like cycling, almost every Saturday afternoon i go by bike to Peñiscola, i really love it, I go with my dad, aunt, uncle, sister and the dog.