sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

An exciting journey

It was summer and i was on holiday with my family. On the last day of the holiday. It was my birthday. My parents had a surprise for me- we took a boat trip from the island to see the dolphins.
We got on the boat very early and sailed away from the coast. At first we didn't see any dolphins, so i was disappointed.
We had lunch on the boat and everyone was singing 'Happy Birthday' when suddenly I saw dolphin fins! The dolphins werw swimming and junping next to the boat. It was the most exciting journey I've ever been on!

The Science Centre

The science centre called The Spectrum, wich is definitely woth a visit. At the centre, visitors can take part in around 250 experiments in Chemistry and physics, and can learn all about electricity and sound. It's a fun educational experiencie for people of all ages.

The space museum

The Space Museum is the oldest and largest public space museum in Germany, and was set up in 1896. You can see one of the longest telescopes in the world and learn about the history of astronomy and about the space, the stars and the planets.
A visit to these museums will take at least a day and many people come back a second time. There is also a restaurant and gift shop.
Dear Marco

Thanks for your letter. It was a great to hear from you. You asked me to tell you about my experiencie of learning English. Well at the moment Im doing an English course at language school and I have lessons twice a week, We've go an American teacher and she's really nice.
Last summer I did a course at a language school in London. I really enjoyed being there and I met lots of really interesting people.
How are you and your family? Hope to hear from you soon.

My ideal bedroom.

My ideal bedroom is at the top of the house. It has a big window with views of the sea. My ideal bedroom has got a big computer for playing computer games, a big bed and a big table where are the computer. There is a big TV, big bathroom and a big walk-in wardrobe, it has got a laptop too for watching videos or chatting with friends. The other computer is only for computer games.

















ironing board

vacuum cleaner

washing machine

do the hoovering

do the cooking

make your bed

put the rubbish out

tidy up

do the washing

clean the floor

do the ironing