domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


Hi Isabella,
Thanks for your letter. You asked me about a film I saw recently, I went to see ''El Corredor del Laberinto'', last week.
The film is about a group of people. They can't scape because they are in a cube, but in the wall are the laberinthyan door. They have to found the mistery for go out. You should watch this film because is exciting. The main character do it so well. At the end they can go out, but only a few of them.
See you son!

Los Miserables

Last year, my dad, sister and I went to ''La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias'' in a theatre to see ''Los Miserables''. The actors and actresses all showed great talent and each scene was directed brilliantly. The costumes were fantastic and fabulous. The play was wrote by Victor Hugo a french writer. At the end, all of the audience clapped the actors. The play was fantastic it was very good.

My summer

This summer has been perfect, but It was very short. I did a lot of things. I went to the fair with my friends at village festivals. I went to the beach with my friends, I've seen a lot of animes and I played computer games. I played volleyball this summer because my parents forced me to go, but it was very fun except that I had to get up early, but I met a lot of new people.
In August my family and I went to Prague, the days 15,16 and 17 of August. Prague is a very beautiful city. We visited a lot of places, and I love it! It was good because I had to speak in English with people who worked there.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Vinaròs, my town, 50 years ago

In the past, there used to be fields and factories, small houses and cottages too. Now there are housing states, car parks, block of flats...
People used to work in the factories or agrarian works, my grandparents used to sell coal. Now the people work in small companies or bussinesses. People used to travel by bike, bus or on foot. Now they travel by cars, motorbikes... In the past my town used to be a fishing town with a lot of fishermen, my other grandad was one. Now only a few of man are fishermen because now it isn't a popular job.

things I used to do when i was six

When i was six, I used to play with my toy cars and my sister, with my sister i used to play football. On Fridays I used to play football with my friends after school. In summer I used to go to Portaventura with my family.


My friend Pepito is average height with short, dark hair and big brown eyes. He usually wears jeans and T-shirts. He wears more smart clothes for a party or some other special occasion. He is really interested in computer games and is particularly keen on the MOBA's, a type of videogames. He enjoys playing computer games with his friends.
Pepito is quite on fashion, because he wears the same things every day. Although he's quiet on dancing, he hates it.


What i like most is playing computer games. My favourite game is League of Legends or LoL, i love to play it. I hate dancing, i don't like much fashion, magazines and cooking, i like a little more drawing, I also like cycling, almost every Saturday afternoon i go by bike to Peñiscola, i really love it, I go with my dad, aunt, uncle, sister and the dog.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Air pollution

Dear Maria,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.
You wanted to know abaut some of the environmental problems in my country. In my opinion, the worst thing is air pollution. There is too many cars in our citys. If people use their cars less, It wouldn't be so bad.
Last month, I buy a bike and now I cycle to school every day. This is much better for the environment and it keeps me healthy two?
Write soon!


Nowadays, global warming is always in the news. Most people agree that it is a serius problem and that we should do domething about it. But what can we do about it? That is the key question.
In the one hand we should use our cars less, because the cars pollute the air with their toxic gases and it increases the global warming and because of it we need use our cars less.
But in the other hand we need to insulate better our houses to prevent that there scapes the heating or the air conditioning.


Bob: What are your plans for Saturday evening?
Don: I haven't got any plans. Why?
Bob: Well my friends and I are going to the bowling. Do you want to come?
Dom: Yes, I'd love to.
Bob: After we are going to go out for meal.
Dom: That sounds great. What time shall we met?
Bob: Five o'clock in my house.
Dom: Ok. See you on Saturday.

My favourite anime

Sword Art Online or SAO is my favoourite Anime at the moment, I saw it this weekend and It's amazing. It's abaut a japanese child that goes inside the game which is a virtual game. You can't go out and if you die in the game you die in real life, for going out you have to complete the game which has 100 lvl with a boss in each one. In the game he meets a girl, her name is Asuna and they fall in love. They go to complete the game with 40 persons. The final boss was the captain of the team which Kirito the main character had to win him. He won and they finally achieved to go out.

Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic rope. It needs and elastic rope and courage.
The highest jump was In August 2005, AJ Hacket a skyjump to the manceau tower, making It the world's highest jump at 233m.
Variations: Catapult, Twin Tower, Trampoline, Running, Ramp, Suspended, Cath Air Device.


blu-ray player


digital photo frame

games console

sat nav

wireless headset







clothes shop

electrical store

estate agent's




post office


travel agent's