sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

My summer
I played computer games all the time but one weekend of July I went to PortAventura. I painted too and I won a prize. In June I went to the fainfair. In August I went to Madrid i did sightseeing around Madrid, I visited ''La Puerta del Sol'', ''El Palacio Real'', ''La Cava Baja'' and the ''Plaza Mayor''.

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Today, everything went good. I did an exam and i had a 10. When I arrived at home my mum had got a present for me, Then I played computer gaes and i wenr up to the gold division, In the evening I went to a restaurant with my family and friends and celebrated my birthday
Last day, everithing went wrong. I lost the homework, I went down to bronze V divisoon and the pc was broken, i couldn't get back to silver. I had to go to at the cybercafe and I needed to pay for three hoursbut I couldn't to up silver, i went up to bronze IV because the ellohells were terrible. In the evening I went to bed but thee neighbour was maiing a party and i couldn't sleep all night. It was a horrible day.
I play computer games. I don't have a brother but I have a sister and a pet.
I'm in 3rd ESO. My favourite subject is E.F or ICT , I hate Spanish and Valencian.
My interest is playing computer games.
My sister meets friends and chats on the internet.  She hasn't got a sister,  but she has a brother and a pet.
She's in erd ESO too. Her favourite subjects are Maths and Musica. She hates Technology. She's interested in meeting her friends amd chatting.
Hi my name's Albert. I'm a big fan of computer games. My favourite game is League of Legends, it's a strategy game with 5VS5 games. The games last 30-40 minutes but the plays can go last than 60 minutes, it's an online game. I play with my friends, it's funnier